
Во всем


on your own terms


comfort, peace
& quiet


comfort, peace & quiet


when you
feel like it


when you feel like it

Your personal

We have a passion for promoting healthy, balanced and beautiful living. Offering massage, Acupuncture, Laser Skincare, fitness classes and more, we emphasize preventive care, stress management, and personal growth.

Detox in our
pool & sauna

Seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies and interoperable internal or organic sources.

Treat your
inner self

We believe that the body is amazing and given the right tools and time is able to heal itself naturally.

your soul

Primavera is a holistic based wellness facility that offers unique services that are customized to each client’s needs.

Find your
natural balance

Quickly cultivate optimal processes and tactical architectures. Completely iterate covalent strategic theme areas.


While you may find a visit with us to be a spa-like, relaxing and pampering experience, we actually take our queues from the traditional, medical establishment.

Massage & Body treatments

Massage Therapy is our specialty. Our approach is clinical and outcome-based.

Chinese Acupuncture

Seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies and interoperable internal or "organic" sources.

Skincare &

Clinically formulated skincare, within the comfort of our soothing environment.

Nail & beauty treatments

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework.

Holistic Facial treatment

Massage Therapy is our specialty. Our approach is clinical and outcome-based.


Seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies and interoperable internal or "organic" sources.

Salt Premium Therapy

Clinically formulated skincare, within the comfort of our soothing environment.

Hot Stone Massage

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework.

Walk in,
Float out

At the Primavera Spa Center, treatments are customized depending on your needs and wants. In this respect, everyone can benefit from the services offered at Primavera Spa because we are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthier life.

Walk in,
Float out

At the Primavera Spa Center, treatments are customized depending on your needs and wants. In this respect, everyone can benefit from the services offered at Primavera Spa because we are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthier life.


Unwind your
Body & mind

Complete the form to the right to search for available openings for appointments. If you want, you can also book by phone or by email, but we’d prefer a booking by the Primavera form.

Book at Primavera

Book at

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Experience the

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits. Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.


I have had 3 massages by Angie and I will seriously go nowhere else in the city.

Courtney Rake

Hers are the only massages I leave feeling totally relaxed and completely free.

Cass Lowe

The atmosphere is pleasant and professional and the therapy was wonderful.

Janelle Hewitt

Lovely and relaxing massage, a treat I hope to have again next time I visit.

Guy Ryder

I can only reccommend Primavera to anyone who needs a massage!

Emma Willis

The use of essential oils greatly enhanced the experience.

Carter Jones

The massage therapist walked through each step, explained the use of rocks…

Evelyn Parker

Coming from someone who gets monthly massages, it was the best I’ve ever had.

Layla Mills

Latest news
From our spa

Know in time what’s new and upcoming, our special offers and new services launches, and many, many more.

April massage special
2 декабря, 2018by admin4
April massage special
Spring Refresher Massage Full body massage with your choice of aromatherapy. A scrub on the back exfoliates dry, winter skin build-up.
New foot massages
27 ноября, 2018by admin2
New foot massages
Salted Citrus Massage Includes a full body massage with a citrus essential oil blend filled with mandarin orange and lemon goodness.
Endulge while waiting
22 ноября, 2018by admin0
Endulge while waiting
One treatment will leave your skin’s appearance radiant, smooth and toned in minutes leaving you with a velvety finish.

Приходите и посетите нашу Студию красоты или позвоните нам, если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, а так же если Вы хотите получить дополнительную информацию о наших услугах

улица 1 Мая, 190, Павловский Посад, Московская область
8 (939) 852-73-62

Come and visit our spa quarters or call us if you have any questions or would like more information on our treatments.

1363-1385 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Write us
Call us
In few words...

With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

Social media

Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

In few words...

With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

About Primavera
Social media

Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

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Copyright by Bold Themes. All rights reserved.